Author: Adria Bailton

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-up #24

    This week was a pretty standard weak, as far as things go. I have seven stories you might enjoy. I was recently reading someone’s May SFF short story round-up. She covered a few stories, but there are so many SFF and spec fic stories published each moth that a few for a month seems far…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-up #23

    This week I posted six short stories, skipping Thursday when I participated in #PitMad, which I blogged about here.  John Wiswell won a Nebula this weekend for a story in Diabolical Plots. I adored his story from March in Fireside Fiction called We Are Not Phoenixes. At 817 words, it is only a 4-minute read. …

  • Pitch Events or Pitch Parties

    #PitMad When I decided to get on Twitter in August 2020 in preparation for querying my SFF novel, I immediately learned of #PitMad, a pitch event or pitch party where writers post tweets trying to entice agents to request their queries. You can learn all about PitMad, the rules and intentions at the Pitch Wars…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-Up #22

    This week is the week of podcasts. If you enjoy listening to stories, this will be a fun week for you! The Face Thief by Ella Anañeva was published by Speculative City in 2021, an approximately 5300 word read. Escape Artists published the next four stories in 2021. Bargain by Sarah Gailey aired on CatsCast…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-Up #21

    This week I have seven more short stories for your enjoyment.  Infinite Tiny Lives, Infinitly Small by Shane Halbach was published in April 2021 by Flash Fiction Online. The Arcanist published Dance Dance Necromance by EJ Sidle in February 2020. Listening to it Rain by A.A. McNamara was published by Fireside Fiction in September 2013.…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-Up #20

    This week I’ve got seven short stories for you, in case you missed them on Twitter or Facebook. I try to give you different magazines and websites to visit every week. Hopefully you read entire issues when one of these stories sparks your interest.  I’ll start with two from Daily Science Fiction. I’ve never read…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-Up #19

    This week I have seven stories for you mostly from 2019 and 2021, and a single story from 2012. Small Evil by Aeryn Rudel was published by The Arcanist in 2019, and is a 5-minute read. Constelación Magazine published The Excruciating Beauty of Ephemera by Keyan Bowes in 2021, and is 939 words. Economic Principles…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-up #18

    This week I have seven stories published since 2013 and another personal essay. Skinned Knees by R.D. Sullivan was published at Fireside Fiction in October 2013. How to Eat a Mermaid by K. Garcia Ley was published at Mermaids Monthly in March 2021. Til Human Voices Wake Us by Jennifer Hudak was published at Mermaids…

  • 2021 Writerly Goals Update

    I posted a summary of 2020 and goals for 2021 at the end of December. We are one-third of the way through the year, and it seems like a great time to do an update of meeting my goals. Short Stories Polishing a story to submission: By now I should have four new stories done…

  • Issue 2 of Constelación Magazine

    I have a new short story publishing in Issue 2 of Constelación Magazine. Just look at this amazing cover! We shared the cover for issue #2 with our patrons, but we like it so much that we couldn’t keep it in. So here it goes: Myths and Monsters, by @Paintagram. — Constelación Magazine (@constelacionmag)…