Quarter 3 of 2022 Reads
First Time for Everything This is my first quarterly reading update, despite making a goal to have these each quarter in 2022. That’s because I read about three published books along with several beta reads prior to August 2022. I’ve been struggling to read for most of 2021 and 2022. Audiobooks and novellas save the…
Short Fiction Round-up #67
We’re getting into the spooky season and I started early. Please enjoy theese 17 stories. Not all are horror and there are fewer than normal because I am on an unexpected social media hiatus. I planned one for mid-October but sometimes life demands things on a different time scale. The Green Man’s Wife by Archita…
Short Fiction Round-up #66
These are supposed to post on the first Monday of the month, but yesterday was a Holiday in the US and I really wanted to work on my current project instead of blog. First Tuesday of the month after a US Holiday is going to be good this time. I’ve got twenty-one (21) stories for…
2022 Goals: Second Trimester Update (No announcements)
Short Story Submissions On a Roll! In April, I gave the update that my original goal planning was not cutting it, and so I made a stretch goal – submit (and get rejections [for]) sixty (60) short stories this year. This will lead up linearly until in my fifth true year of submissions, I’m aiming…
Short Fiction Round-Up #65
I suggested lots of fiction during July. Most of it has been published this year, but every so often I dipped back a year or few. Here are the 21 stories I thought you might enjoy because I did. It Rises and Falls and Rises Again by RJ Taylor was published by Apex Magazine in…
Short Fiction Round-Up #64
I took a break from posting short fiction for all of May and a portion of June. However, a discussion about readership spiking with random tweets of stories motivated me to start up again. I am tweeting and posting on Facebook a suggested short fiction for readers each weekday. My round-ups on the blog will…
New Story in ZNB Presents!
I’m thrilled to announce my story, “A Dress of Flowers,” will be published on November 15, 2022 by ZNB Presents! Subscribe to the Zombie Needs Brains Patreon to get my story delivered to your app or inbox on November 15 at the $2 level, or at the $4 level to get my story delivered digitally…
2022 Goals First Trimester Update (with a vague announcement)
Original Plans Change My original stated goal for my short stories was 42 submissions in 2022. However, by the end of January, I realized that wasn’t pushing me at all. In fact, I was already ahead of the submission curve and it wasn’t any pressure to produce new submittable stories. I also had been incredibly…
Short Fiction Round-Up #63
Apparently I only suggested three stories last week. Which is a huge oops because I have a ton to suggest. Here they are and keep your eyes on this space and my social media for more! Rider Reviews for FerrymanCharon by Guan Un was published by Translunar Travelers Lounge in February. I have been loving…
Short Fiction Round-Up #62
I hope you enjoy these four stories this week! Dolly, Like the Place by Sally Parlier was published by Translunar Travelers Lounge in February. The post-apocalyptic world where Dollywood is an iconic location grabbed me. Daily Science Fiction published The Last Passenger by Melissa Mead in February. I’m really into twists and new takes on…