Author: Adria Bailton

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #73

    In March, I suggested eighteen (18) stories. I took the last week of March off from story suggestions due to various and sundry life stuff. Nothing major. Just enough to keep me from getting stories out via social media. I also removed my personal Facebook page which also removed my ability to post to my…

  • “Submerged” audio reprint

    Subscribe to Manawalker Flash Fiction Podcast I’m thrilled to announce that my flash fiction, “Submerged,” will be published at Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast. Visit their website and subscribe at your favorite podcast app!I’m so excited for many reasons. This is my first reprint sale AND it’s my first audio production of one of my…

  • Writing Advice and Feedback #3

    “You could be writing…” I find the type of advice and self-flagellation about doing things when “you could be writing” to be toxic and often, untrue. If you aren’t writing, could you really be? If I feel like writing, I am unless there is something more important or pressing to be doing. That’s probably because…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #72

    In February, I suggested nineteen (19) short stories for readers to check out. If you missed them on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, or Tumblr, here they are in one list. This is not the order I posted them in. This groups magazines together. L’Alchimista by N.K. Jemison was published by Escape Pod in 2006. Listen or read…

  • Writing Advice and Feedback #2

    It’s feedback time! The title and topic of this series is Writing Advice and Feedback and I haven’t talked about feedback yet. So, here we go! Today, I’m going to talk about receiving feedback. A later blogpost will talk about giving it. The best advice about receiving and using feedback is the same as for…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #71

    In January, I suggested twenty-two (22) short stories by other authors for readers on my various social media. Every weekday at 8:00 am on Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon, and Tumblr I post these links (see connected social media on sidebar for links). I do this because if you like what I like to read, though I’m…

  • Writing Advice and Feedback #1

    What is this? For a couple of years now, I’ve been threatening one of my writing groups to write blog posts about writing advice and feedback. I get a little cranky on these topics. They say, “Do it!” and then I never do. Kermit Do It GIFfrom Kermit GIFs That is about to change. More…

  • Reading Reflection 2022

    2022 Reading Reflection You can see by my Goodreads banner that I did manage to make my 2022 reading goal – 18 of 15 books! If you read my 2022 update about 2021, you’ll know that this is actually quite an improvement over last year.  I had an amazing reading year in 2019 with 105…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #70

    I took the last week of the year for writing and reading reflection, planning my next year, and overall re-centering myself. Today, I have seventeen (17) stories for you to check out if you missed them when I posted on social media. What the Goulah Said on Thursday of the Dead by Sonia Sulaiman was…

  • 2022 Goal Wrap-up and 2023 Goal Setting

    It’s the last Friday of the year and time to assess my success at meeting my writing goals for the year and set new goals for 2023! Click my Goals category to read previous goal setting and updates. But I’ll review the previous year’s throughout. Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash Short Stories Goal Review…