Author: Adria Bailton

  • Writing Advice and Feedback #5

    Twitter Writing Advice or Listicle Advice or Pithy Advice As of the writing of this post, Twitter was dying. Who knows what state it will be in by the time I post this particular blog. But the idea is the same.  The idea of Twitter Writing Advice, Listicle Advice, or short, succinct advice is that…

  • National Poetry Month 2023 Poems

    April 2023 was National Poetry Month I am a member of a poetry discord that focuses on speculative poetry as a place for speculative poets to meet and get critiques and learn about markets to submit to. They also welcome readers, which is generally how I consider my relationship to poetry. However, for National Poetry…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #74

    In April, I pulled back from social media and posted quite a few less stories than weekdays of the month, only ten (10). I also won’t be posting the first week or two of May because I will be mostly off all social media. 3:33 a.m. by Joelle Killian was published at Maudlin House in March.…

  • 2023 Goal Update #1

    It’s been 4 months… I write goal and goal update posts for transparency. Many writers don’t want to share how much they are or are not writing, submitting, querying, etc. I strongly suggest you find yourelf a small writing group with goals similar to yours – whether it be short fiction or novels, indie publishing…

  • A Word on Social Media

    In short, I’m taking a break. In September 2019, I stumbled off all social media. It wasn’t a planned act. I just stopped visiting any of my social media sites and stopped playing online/mobile games. Instead, I started writing. It was amazing how much time freed up when I stopped looking at or trying to…

  • Writing Advice and Feedback #4

    How to get or give good feedback I have gotten absolutely horrendous feedback on my work. Often it’s the format rather than the form. My goal in today’s post is to give a few “what not to do when giving feedback” and also give some tips on how to get good feedback. Tips I probably…

  • Quarter 1 of 2023 Reading Reflection

    Brilliant! I have read fifteen (15) books this year so far. It puts me 63% of the way towards my goal of 24 books read. I’d chosen 24 books because I didn’t want to tempt another reading slump by setting goals too high despite a strong end to my 2022 reading year. A lesson I…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #73

    In March, I suggested eighteen (18) stories. I took the last week of March off from story suggestions due to various and sundry life stuff. Nothing major. Just enough to keep me from getting stories out via social media. I also removed my personal Facebook page which also removed my ability to post to my…

  • “Submerged” audio reprint

    Subscribe to Manawalker Flash Fiction Podcast I’m thrilled to announce that my flash fiction, “Submerged,” will be published at Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast. Visit their website and subscribe at your favorite podcast app!I’m so excited for many reasons. This is my first reprint sale AND it’s my first audio production of one of my…

  • Writing Advice and Feedback #3

    “You could be writing…” I find the type of advice and self-flagellation about doing things when “you could be writing” to be toxic and often, untrue. If you aren’t writing, could you really be? If I feel like writing, I am unless there is something more important or pressing to be doing. That’s probably because…