Author: Adria Bailton

  • Writer in Motion Week 5 – Reflection

    Previously on… For those just joining me, this summer I participated in the Writer in Motion program. ​In Week 0, we were given a prompt to reflect upon.In Week 1, we posted our inital, rough, unedited drafts.In Week 2, we posted our self-edited drafts.In Week 3, we posted edited stories after receiving feedback from assigned critique partners also participating in the…

  • Writer in Motion Week 4 – Final – In the Country of Shadow

    Previously on… For those just joining me, this summer I participated in the Writer in Motion program. ​In Week 0, we were given a prompt to reflect upon.In Week 1, we posted our inital, rough, unedited drafts.In Week 2, we posted our self-edited drafts.In Week 3, we posted edited stories after receiving feedback from assigned critique…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-Up #31

    I hope you’re enjoying the extra blog posts about Writer in Motion lately. I still may not have a bbok post this week because I’ve been reading not-yet published work as a beta reader. However, I still have your weekly short fiction round-up. Never Quiet Again by Jess Zimmerman was published by Catapult in 2017.…

  • Writer in Motion Week 3 – CP edits!

    Previously on…. What is Writer in Motion? We were given a prompt at Week 0. The goal: to write a 1000-word story, showing our process along the way. ​We posted our initial, rough, unedited drafts for Week 1. Then we revealed our editing processes and posted self-edited drafts for Week 2. Spoilers: my story changed…

  • Short Story Round-Up #30

    This week has another seven short stories for you. It is a little heavier on literary fiction than is typical for my weekly round-ups. House Hunting by Lisa Mason was published in May by Daily Science Fiction. MoonPark Review published And If We Could Dance Backwards by Christina Dalcher in 2018. Calling on Behalf of…

  • Writer in Motion Week 2 Self-Edited Story

    Previously on… What is Writer in Motion? See my Week 0 post. What did this story look like when I gave up and posted for Week 1 rough draft? You can read my initial draft at my week 1 post. The Story So Far… Normally, I’d leave a short story at least one week, often much…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-Up #29

    I’m excited about this week’s short fiction round-up. I have seven stories for you again. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. The Census Faces Unusal Challenges on Audvarn-3 by Jo Miles is a 1010 word story, about five minute read, published by Fireside Fiction in May. The Arcanist published Strands of Our Tomorrows…

  • Writer in Motion Week 1 Initial Draft

    Timeline  ​The prompt was revealed on July 9. On July 10, I wrote 24 words: “I am made of smoke and dreams and things you don’t want to see in the mirror.I live in the country of shadow.” After a particularly frustrating day job work day, on July 14, I wrote more words, ending my…

  • Weekly Short Fiction Round-up #28

    This week’s short fiction round-up includes seven stories published between 2007 and June 2021. There are a higher number of literary stories than usual. While my “home” genre is adult SFF, I enjoy literary fiction quite a bit as well. I hope you enjoy these stories. #BloodBossBabes by Rachel Kolar is Podcastle #676 published in…

  • Writer in Motion Week 0

    Based on the enthusiasm author Erin Fulmer showed for the Writer in Motion project, I joined up during their registration period. What is Writer in Motion? It’s an opportunity to participate in short story creation and share your journey from draft to polished story via your writer’s blog and the Writer in Motion forum. Additionally, the…