Check out my previous goals and reading reflections.

I reached my reading goal by half-way through this year! In the end, I read forty-six (46) books according to my various tracking methods. Storygraph conveniently made a beautiful graphic of the covers of all the books I read in 2023.

Let’s go through the Storygraph sections to see how my year in reading went!
Starting with my favorite books for the year! I missed my third quarter update due to life overwhelm, but you can see the tops for the first quarter and second quarter of 2023. Overall, I rated 28% of the books I read as 5-stars. I cannot make a top pick out of this group!

I started the year with Trouble the Saints and finished the year with The Darkness Outside Us.

The book I read fastest was Finna and the longest to read was The Annual Migration of Clouds.

The longest book I read was The Kingdom of Gods and the shortest book I read was The House on Mango Street.

Averages are fun. The average length of book was 335 pages and it took about six days to read each book, on average. I don’t have a particular page goal. Novellas broke me out of my reading slump. I turn to novellas frequently when I’m down.
Before my reading slump, I used to read about a book per week. An average of 6 days to finish a book means I can still do that.

I can’t really say why I have pages read spikes in March, July, and November.
Genres I read a lot of this year are fantasy, LGBTQIA+, science fiction, young adult, and literary. This about covers my favorite genres and the genres I write. I read the most books by N.K. Jemisin, followed by C.L. Polk and Charlie Jane Anders.

Finally, the moods of the books I read varied between light and dark.

I’ve settled on a goal to read 36 books this year. I was a hard choice. I read 46 books last year, 36 should not be a stretch. But the last year I set a goal of 36, I didn’t achieve it.