Category: Reading Reflection

  • Reading Reflection for 2nd Quarter 2024

    We are half-way through the year and it’s time to update my novel-length reading goals. After coming out of a long reading slump, I kept my goal something I could increase as a goal from last year, but reachable if I fell off my numbers from last year. So far, I’ve read 23 books this…

  • Reading Reflection for Quarter 1 of 2024

    I probably need to work on my blog title game as that is quite dull but a descriptive one. It’s also ten days overdue. But better late than never. My goal for this year is to read 36 books, and I’ve already read 14. Two were finished within April, but I’m going to count them…

  • Reading Reflection for 2023 and Reading Goals for 2024

    Check out my previous goals and reading reflections. I reached my reading goal by half-way through this year! In the end, I read forty-six (46) books according to my various tracking methods. Storygraph conveniently made a beautiful graphic of the covers of all the books I read in 2023. Let’s go through the Storygraph sections…

  • Reading Reflection

    Good news first! I’ve already met my 2023 reading goal! I did meet my reading goal of 15 books in 2022 because my reading slump that started in 2020 finally ended last September. It feels so good to meet my goal half-way into the year. (This was completed as of June 23!) Year-to-date Stats I…

  • Quarter 1 of 2023 Reading Reflection

    Brilliant! I have read fifteen (15) books this year so far. It puts me 63% of the way towards my goal of 24 books read. I’d chosen 24 books because I didn’t want to tempt another reading slump by setting goals too high despite a strong end to my 2022 reading year. A lesson I…

  • Reading Reflection 2022

    2022 Reading Reflection You can see by my Goodreads banner that I did manage to make my 2022 reading goal – 18 of 15 books! If you read my 2022 update about 2021, you’ll know that this is actually quite an improvement over last year.  I had an amazing reading year in 2019 with 105…

  • Quarter 3 of 2022 Reads

    First Time for Everything This is my first quarterly reading update, despite making a goal to have these each quarter in 2022. That’s because I read about three published books along with several beta reads prior to August 2022. I’ve been struggling to read for most of 2021 and 2022. Audiobooks and novellas save the…

  • Reading Reflection 2021

    Reflection On New Year’s Day 2021, I posted what I thought were reasonable goals for my reading. They turned out to be overly ambitious. I lost my login to Storygraph. My reading rate dropped drastically. The 2018 – 50 books, 2019 – 100 books, 2020 – 30-40 books trend did not hold and I did…

  • February 2021 Book Reads

    I have two books I read in February. I’ll admit that I am struggling to read at all and am not making my reading goals.  My writerly read this month was Business Essentials for Writers by Jim Nettles. This book will be helpful for anybody who plans to make a living writing stories and books.…

  • Reading Reflection January 2021

    I read two books in January. My writing craft book was Save the Cat and my fun-read was The Demon’s Pursuit of Mor. My Storygraph is a little odd, but the mix of the books I read follows the above Moods and Pace. Save the Cat by Blake Snyder was recommended to me when I had the opportunity to…