Author: Adria Bailton

  • 2021 Awards Eligibility Post!

     My first published story came out in March this year, and this is my first awards eligibility post. I have two pieces of flash published in 2021. Thank you for reading my stories! Submerged – Horror or Speculative Fiction – Wyldblood Flash – flash – March 19, 2021 ​Gnashing Teeth from the Deep and the Children…

  • Short Fiction #45

    I only have five stories for you this week. I’m on my back-up laptop (still).  Small-Town Spirit by Frances Rowat was published by Fireside Fiction this month.  Mermaids Monthly published portrait of a girl in water by Ashley Bao in October.  Red in Tooth and Cog by Cat Rambo was published in Fantasy and Science…

  • Short Fiction Round-up #44

    This week I have six short stories for you.  The Fifth Horseman by Marti Cahill was published by Fireside Ficiton in October. The Arcanist published The Monster of LakeGregg by Kara Pogos in October. Why I Threw an Apple by Mary Soon Lee was published in October by Daily Science Fiction. Translunar Travelers Lounge published…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #43

    I have seven stories for you this week. I’ve been going through the queue of places that I binge-read, so today’s post is sorted into three publishers. Daily Science Fiction published:The Bravest Thing My Dad Did for Me by Filip Wiltgren in September Like Blood for Ink by Aime Ogden in September​Seven Reasons your Blind…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #42

    I apologize for the delay in my weekly short fiction round-up. I’ve been having some issues with my primary computer, which I referenced about six weeks ago. Here it is now! Seven stories for your reading enjoyment. Fragments by Anthony Rivera published at Daily Science Fiction.  Constelación published Apolo Licio, Apolo Veráva by Teresa P.…

  • Gnashing Teeth Published at Constelación!

    In April, I shared the amazing artwork for Issue 2 of Constelación Magazine. My flash, Gnashing Teeth from the Deep and the Children Hang on Tight, A Checklist published earlier this month in that issue! I’m so thrilled. 

  • Short Fiction Round-up #41

    I’ve got seven stories for you this week. I had read a bunch of just a few magazines recently, so we’re getting caught up on Daily Science Fiction and Mermaids Monthly this week. The Empathy Lessons by Hal Y. Zhang was published by Fireside Fiction in September. Daily Science Fiction published:Coast Sunset Express by Alice…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #40

    This week, my short fiction round-up starts with a classic. I have repeat markets this time around. Enjoy! They’re Made Out of Meat by Terry Bisson is a class short story published in several magazines, first in 1991,  currently available on Bisson’s website. So You Want to Reach the Witch at the Edge of the Void…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #39

    Resuming my weekly blog summaries of short stories for the week. My latop is still broken. I’m waiting to send it back for repair. I’m sure you’ll notice when there’s a blip in my postings. This week I have seven excellent stories for you. When You Came Back by Lynette Mejia was published in July…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #38

    This week I have seven stories for you. I have to add that I love so many of the stories this week, and wish I could recommend all of these in my next newsletter. Just a heads up that there will be no short story round-up next week. I am having some computer issues, but…