In April, I suggested a total of twenty-two (22) stories and poems. I’d normally have posted this last week, but I was travelling. I apologize for the delay in my round-up.
Oh! and a bonus of one of my stories was published in April!

The Deadlands published:
If I Leave You with Moonlight by Felicia Martínez in 2023.
A poem of love and death.
All the Things I Know About Ghosts, By Ofelia, Age 10, by Isabel Cañas in 2023.
The things she knows about ghosts in a drowned town. Oh, my heart!
prim pressed posies by Ai Jiang in 2023.
I suggest generally suggest reading anything by Ai Jiang.
Image Not Found: Francesca’s Bridge by Aimee Picchi in 2023.
Just adored this story of an urban legend and a girl’s efforts to take a photo of it, and the online fallout.
Totality by Brandi Sperry in February.
What happens after the total eclipse earlier this month?

Small Wonders published:
Terror Formed by Keyan Bowes in February.
A poem about another world, it’s terrors, and what humans will do to it.
Seeds Travel by Beth Goder in February.
A story of life and growth.
Saguaro Wedding by Jordan Kurella in March.
I lived in Arizona at one time and Saguaros have a special place in my heart and this is a fun story.

Lightspeed published:
You Will Not Live to See M/M Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension by Isabel J. Kim in 2023.
Poor Achilles.
Four Self-Care Secrets for a Long and Happy Life by Tina S. Zhu in 2023.
I love list stories!
Instructions for the Broken Hearted by Jordan Kurella in 2023.
This felt more like a pep talk specifically for me, or specifically for someone else, I was so transported.
Worlds of Possibility published:
She Says: a poem by Winifred Yost in 2023.
A poem of trans joy.
W.F.A. #31 by Adria Bailton in April.
A story by me! About a wish fulfillment agent who loves their job of granting wishes.
You Can Leave Your Helmet On by Tehnuka was published at Interstellar Flight Magazine in April.
A story of carrots, tentacles, and love.
Flowers for an Infinite Grave by Stewart C Baker was published at kaleidotrope this spring.
A story of a multiverse and taking care of the dead.

Diabolical Plots published Level One: Blowtorch by Jared Oliver Adams in March.
What if gamification of life was the way your life had been lived?
Palatable Potions by Melinda Brasher was published at ZNB Presents in March.
I adored this story about a witch-in-potions-training who goes off on her own to make things better and worse and worse and better. (Behind a paywall.)
Apex published To Rise Again by Kelsea Yu in March.
What a novel flash story about color in the world! (May be behind a paywall.)

Wyldblood Flash Fiction Fortnightly published:
Sariya Grants a Wish by J.D. Harlock in 2021.
This one was really quite sweet.
Slowing Down by Claire McNerney in 2021.
A story of the passage of time and how it affects us all.
Butterflies by Bridget Haug in 2021.
I don’t want to spoil it by telling you wheat kind of story it is, but it is sweet.
Traveling Salesman by Zoe Kaplan was published at The Cosmic Background.
The twist at the end of this flash is stellar.
Fireside Fiction published My Sister Is a House by Zoë Medeiros in 2019.
What we become and give to our loved ones – this is a story that has a lot of emotion.
I hope you enjoyed these stories, most of which are flash, bite-sized reads! If you did, tell a friend about the story and send them the link! If you enjoyed a story, consider subscribing to the magazine or sending them a supporting donation! Keep speculative short fiction alive!