Category: ORIGINAL Fiction

  • The Story of “Gnashing”

    This blog post was initially posted on October 5, 2022 on the previous Adria Bailton website. The 2023 move broke images. It is being reposted with some edits and updates. Gnashing Teeth from the Deep and the Children Hang on Tight – A Checklist On the this three year anniversary of the publication of my…

  • “Submerged” available at Manawaker Studios Flash Fiction Podcast

    “Submerged” is now available in audio via the Manawaker Studios Flash Fiction Podcast! This is the first audio production of my work and I’m so thrilled! Visit Manawker Studios or subscribe via your favorite podcatcher.

  • National Poetry Month 2023 Poems

    April 2023 was National Poetry Month I am a member of a poetry discord that focuses on speculative poetry as a place for speculative poets to meet and get critiques and learn about markets to submit to. They also welcome readers, which is generally how I consider my relationship to poetry. However, for National Poetry…

  • “Submerged” audio reprint

    Subscribe to Manawalker Flash Fiction Podcast I’m thrilled to announce that my flash fiction, “Submerged,” will be published at Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast. Visit their website and subscribe at your favorite podcast app!I’m so excited for many reasons. This is my first reprint sale AND it’s my first audio production of one of my…

  • New Story in ZNB Presents!

    I’m thrilled to announce my story, “A Dress of Flowers,” will be published on November 15, 2022 by ZNB Presents!  Subscribe to the Zombie Needs Brains Patreon to get my story delivered to your app or inbox on November 15 at the $2 level, or at the $4 level to get my story delivered digitally…

  • The Story of Submerged

    On this, the one-year anniversary of my first story publication in this millenium, I’m sharing the backstory about Submerged published at Wyldblood Press Free Flash Friday on March 19, 2021. I used to say I took a long break from writing. But that isn’t true. I wrote fiction that I shared randomly with people through…

  • Time for Magic

    In late November, Amalie/A.R. Frederiksen posted a tweet about a short story exchange.  Lately, I’ve witnessed a lot of my friends finding no joy in writing as they’re stuck in the query trenches or on sub. I’d love to change that, to end the year with everybody feeling inspired, and maybe you’ll help me? Enter……

  • Gnashing Teeth Published at Constelación!

    In April, I shared the amazing artwork for Issue 2 of Constelación Magazine. My flash, Gnashing Teeth from the Deep and the Children Hang on Tight, A Checklist published earlier this month in that issue! I’m so thrilled. 

  • Issue 2 of Constelación Magazine

    I have a new short story publishing in Issue 2 of Constelación Magazine. Just look at this amazing cover! We shared the cover for issue #2 with our patrons, but we like it so much that we couldn’t keep it in. So here it goes: Myths and Monsters, by @Paintagram. — Constelación Magazine (@constelacionmag)…

  • Submerged at Wyld Flash

    Read Submerged at Wyld Flash published on March 19, 2021.