Author: Adria Bailton

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #61

    I’ve got seven more stories for you. I apologize for the delayed blog post.  The First Promise We Break by Risa Wolf was published by Apex Magazine in March. Risa is an amazing writer and I adored this story of breaking a promise. Reckoning published Wolphinia by Giselle Leeb in 2016. I wish this story…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #60

    I started posting daily stories for people to read in April again. Here are the three stories posted last week. The Music Station by Amanda Saville was published by Apex Books and Magazines Patreon in March. I was in a workshop wtih Amanda and I’m still thinking about the story I read by her. This…

  • The Story of Submerged

    On this, the one-year anniversary of my first story publication in this millenium, I’m sharing the backstory about Submerged published at Wyldblood Press Free Flash Friday on March 19, 2021. I used to say I took a long break from writing. But that isn’t true. I wrote fiction that I shared randomly with people through…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #59

    I only have four stories for you this week. I’m on somewhat of a social media hiatus right now and have not kept up with story posting.  Super. Hero. by Karen Benchley was published by Daily Science Fiction in February. Reckoning published What We Have At the End of the World by Gabriela Santiago in January.…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #58

    Yet again, I’m behind on my blog summary of short stories. Here you go from the past two weeks! In 2021, Mermaids Monthly published:The Space Mermaid’s Garden by Beth GoderMermaid Care by Jonathan Crowe Second Death Services by by Shondra Snodderly was published by Speculative City in 2019. Apex Magazine published Gray Skies, Red Wings,…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #57

    Here’s the round-up of stories I suggested over on my social media last week. Enjoy! Seen Small Through Glass by Premee Mohammed was published by Fireside Fiction this month. The Arcanist published Scratchers by Corey Farrenkopf this month. How to spot a mermaid by Emily Fox was published by Mermaids Monthly is 2021.  Uncanny Magazine…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #56

    Seven more stories for your weekly reading! Enjoy. My Body by J.S. Jordon was published by Fireside Fiction in January.Phases of the Moon by Alice Towey published by Fireside Fiction in 2021. The Arcanist published Bubbles by A.E. Lanier in January. Rogue by Joanna Koch was published at Speculative City in 2020. Mermaids Monthly published…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #55

    Posted a little late with a back-dated time. My Newsletter went out this week! If you don’t catch all these blog posts or just want a highlight of stories, be sure to sign up. Every couple months I will send you my favorites out of a large listing. Our Days of Tear-Stained Glass by Avra…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #54

    Welcome to my fifty-fourth short fiction round-up! Please enjoy the seven stories this week. Song of the Balsa Wood Bird by Katherine Quevedo was published this month by Fireside Fiction. Daily Science Fiction published Shattered Petals of Celadon by M.K. Hutchins this month. Here Be Monsters by Avra Margariti was published The Arcanist this month. ​ Diabolical Plots published Tides That…

  • Short Fiction Round-Up #53

    Starting in Fall of 2020, I posted short fiction I’d been reading on my Twitter. Just about a year ago, I started posting story suggestions every day. It wasn’t until February that I started posting round-ups here of the stories. I generally post weekly, but I posted nearly daily at first to catch-up. Here’s to…