2024 Goal Update #1

Again with the terrible but descriptive titles. I’ve had an epiphany that maybe I need to work on my titles – not only for my blog posts but also my stories. Hmm…

Anyway, this update was due on Friday, April 26, 2024. To be honest, I had some struggles in April and just getting through was what I managed to do. May was full of travel and getting ready for the WriteHive 2024 Conference.

So, here we go, my goal update six weeks late based on data 5 weeks late.

Short Stories

Submission Goals

By the writing of this blog post, my goal was to submit 51 stories towards my year-long goal of 120. As of today, I have submitted 63 stories. This puts me about five weeks ahead of my yearly goal, which is a nice spot to be in.

Giving this an On Course 🏳️‍🌈

Rejections and Acceptances

I have 23 submissions out at this time. I didn’t quite realize until this moment how many I have out. Woo!

If you’re subscibed to my newsletter or follow me on Mastodon or BlueSky, you’ll have seen that I’ve got two (2) acceptances so far this year, which I’m thrilled about.

Giving this an On Course 🏳️‍🌈

Short Fiction Writing Goals

For 2024, I made a goal to write four (4) new stories.

Becuase I participated in a “contest” with a writers group in January and February, I actually wrote six (6) new stories already this year.

Giving this a COMPLETE! ❣️

For 2024, I made a goal to revise twelve (12) stories.

In order to make some themed and window submission calls, I revised four (4) stories so far this year. I could consider the flash I published in my January newsletter for a fifth, but I’ll leave it off for now. Maybe if I’m desperate to get my twelve at the end of the year.

Sticking at 4, I’m a story behind my goal, though if I count that January newsletter, I’m on course. We’ll see how the rest of the year goes.


I re-read my goals for the year, and I can’t totally tell what they were. But, I’ve sent a few queries, have most of my query materials ready for more queries along with fully edited novel to query my third novel this year.

I’ve also come up with another idea for a novel. After I truly have that last one off into the query trenches, I plan to get well and started on that newest novel idea. I’ll keep you updated.

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