Category: Goals

  • 2024 Goal Update #1

    Again with the terrible but descriptive titles. I’ve had an epiphany that maybe I need to work on my titles – not only for my blog posts but also my stories. Hmm… Anyway, this update was due on Friday, April 26, 2024. To be honest, I had some struggles in April and just getting through…

  • 2023 Goal Wrap-up and 2024 Goal Setting

    It is the last Friday of the year and time to assess my goals from this year and set new ones for next year. Click my Goals category to read previous goal setting and updates. But I’ll review the previous year’s throughout. Short Stories: Goal Review Short Stories Written and Polished in 2023:For 2023, I aimed high…

  • 2023 Goal Update #2

    It’s been another, approximately, 4 months… Cribbed from my last update post, I write goal and goal update posts for transparency. I strongly suggest you find yourelf a small writing group with goals similar to yours – whether it be short fiction or novels, indie publishing or traditional routes – because these groups will be vocal about…

  • 2023 Goal Update #1

    It’s been 4 months… I write goal and goal update posts for transparency. Many writers don’t want to share how much they are or are not writing, submitting, querying, etc. I strongly suggest you find yourelf a small writing group with goals similar to yours – whether it be short fiction or novels, indie publishing…

  • 2022 Goal Wrap-up and 2023 Goal Setting

    It’s the last Friday of the year and time to assess my success at meeting my writing goals for the year and set new goals for 2023! Click my Goals category to read previous goal setting and updates. But I’ll review the previous year’s throughout. Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash Short Stories Goal Review…

  • 2022 Goals: Second Trimester Update (No announcements)

    Short Story Submissions On a Roll! In April, I gave the update that my original goal planning was not cutting it, and so I made a stretch goal – submit (and get rejections [for]) sixty (60) short stories this year. This will lead up linearly until in my fifth true year of submissions, I’m aiming…

  • 2022 Goals First Trimester Update (with a vague announcement)

    Original Plans Change My original stated goal for my short stories was 42 submissions in 2022. However, by the end of January, I realized that wasn’t pushing me at all. In fact, I was already ahead of the submission curve and it wasn’t any pressure to produce new submittable stories. I also had been incredibly…

  • End of 2021 Goals and 2022 Goal Setting

    Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash It’s the last Friday of the year and time to assess my success at meeting my writing goals for the year and set new goals for 2022!I posted my original goals at the end of 2020, and two updates-one in April and the other in August.  Short Stories Short…

  • Goal Check 2021

    It’s the end of August, and it’s a good time to do an update of if I’m meeting my yearly goals as a writer. I posted one of these updates at the end of April. Because my goals aren’t huge in terms of numbers, only updating about every four months is reasonable. If I had…

  • 2021 Writerly Goals Update

    I posted a summary of 2020 and goals for 2021 at the end of December. We are one-third of the way through the year, and it seems like a great time to do an update of meeting my goals. Short Stories Polishing a story to submission: By now I should have four new stories done…