Weekly Short Round-Up

Until I have published stories, I’m staying on theme of blogging about other published books and stories. I get to read unpublished stories and I can’t wait until those are out in the wild so I can share them with you, too!
I began writing short fiction again recently, so I’ve reading short fiction. I read a lot of short fiction in a week. I’ve been sharing over on Twitter and Facebook the stories I like best from a selection of publishers. Instead of making you catch the random morning post of a story I’ve read and enjoyed, I will post a weekly round-up of stories I’ve enjoyed and think you might too. (And follow me at either/both places for fun discussions and engagement!)
The bonus is, when you see what I read and enjoy, you’ll get an idea of the things I write or aspire to write. Though some are also posted in the vein of, “This is a good discussion story in a Literature class.” 
For the next five days, these posts will have about ten stories each and catch you up to January 31, 2021. Future posts will occur every Monday, and typically have between five and ten stories. Enjoy!

The first story I posted about back in October was Murder or a Duck by Beth Goder at Cossmass Infinities. The website says it is a 19 minute read at 4038 words and was originally published in 2016 at Escape Pod.


Tor.com published Juice Like Wounds by Seanan McGuire is a short story taking place after the fourth book in her Wayward Children series. I recommend reading the series before reading this story, but be sure to add this one in.
Art copyright © by Rovina Cai


Mechanical Connection by Frances Rowat published at Cossmass Infinities is a 21 minute read at 4342 words. Full disclosure: I happen to be in a writers group with Frances and think the world of her. I stumbled upon this story all on my own since it was published half a year before I met her.


Waiting on a Bright Moon by Neon Yang at Tor.com.
Art copyright © 2017 by Victo Ngai

Nightmare published Ten Excerpts from an Annotated Bibliography on the Cannibal Women of Ratnabar Island by Nibedita Sen, which I was directed to read via a writing class I took. It’s a quick read at 1421 words. 

Moments by Brandon Crilly at Daily Science Fiction is like a poem. This is a story I read for a writing class about using non-traditional forms.

Curious published  The Thing about Heisenball by Stewart C Baker, a 4 minute read at 983 words.


Help Me Follow My Sister into the Land of the Dead by Carmen Maria Machado published at Lightspeed Magazine is 3079 words and plays with form as well. This story appeared in other locations, including the 2015 Anthology The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy. Machado has many accolades. 

Fireside published STET by Sarah Gailey. This is a non-traditional form and also requires a content warning. 


The final story I’m suggesting in this post is a choose-your-own adventure published by Lightspeed Magazine. Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station | Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0 by Caroline M. Yoachim is a short adventure at 2100 words.
Art Copyright 2016 by Reiko Murakami.

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