Despite traveling for most of February, I recommended stories every weekday, for a total of twenty (20) stories. Many stories are a little older because I went through some of my to-be-read bookmarks that I still haven’t finished reading.

In 2024, Trollbreath Magazine published:
The Impossible Roots by Robin Eliot.
A tale of rebellion and resistance
Cryptid Car Rental by Allison Pottern.
This is a hilarious story of a person who makes art trying to get a good deal on travel and ends up in a very strange travel forum. So enjoyable. I really loved this one.
Off Exhibit by K.M. Veohongs.
This is another story that made me say “oof” at the end. So many moments of oof.

Catching Babies by Sasha Brown was published at Split Lip Mag in January.
Trying to post more funny stories as humor will get us through. This one’s for the parents out there.

Clarkesworld published King of the Castle by Fiona Moore in February.
I will always suggest stories of Morag and Seamus. Each one is hopeful, conquering an ill of society in some small way.

Haven Spec published:
My Sparkle Alone Can’t Cull Your Demons by Eric Farrell in 2022.
A reminder of how empathy can still help us through our days.
Lovey by Christi Nogle in 2022.
A story about the kindness of strangers in hard times, and a little hope.
The Shell Game by Dawn Vogel in 2021.
Looking for a little humor today? We’ve got a shell game in the future for a Diva at a Gala wearing Earth-grown diamonds.

Orion’s Belt published:
日食 [Eclipse] by Phương Anh
A poem about the love of parents and celestial bodies.
Our World Between Their Lines by Jenna Hanchey.
A story of colonizers.
Suddenly, I Remember Camelot by Dafydd McKimm.
When everything is perfect until it isn’t.

Craving for Another Summer by Emmie Christie was published at Wyldblood Flash Fiction in 2022.
Emmie is fast becoming one of my favorite writers, encompasing what it means to be a Nebraska kid in all her stories. This one is a cozy fantasy about the change of seasons.

The Deadlands published Ghost Towns: A Cultural Resources Survey Report from the 2020-21 Field Season, by Sara E. Palmer at The Deadlands in 2021.
A poem set in my current home of Seattle.
BigHappyFriend Likes Humans by Rodrigo Culagovski was published at Flash Fiction Online in February.
I got to read an early version of this during a contest. A story of an alien trying to understand humans.

Small Wonders published Last sanctuary by Marisca Pichette in January.
A poem about dragons returning to us and the rules to get to see them.

Rip Us Apart by Alex Clark-McGlenn was published at Speculative City in 2019.
The formatting on this story elicits the merge, union, and separation so well.
Baffling Magazine published Very Fast and Very Far Apart by AJ Lucy in 2021.
A story of living life to the fullest and doing your damn best.
Civitas Sylvatica by Cae Hawksmoor was published at Reckoning in 2017.
The story feels pertinent about trying to tend to life while war comes up and overwhelms.
Algonquin Writers published Side Effects May Vary by P.A. Cornell in 2024.
When the bots meant to heal you take on a life of their own.
Aging Elements by Ben Francisco was published at Fireside Fiction in 2019.
A retelling of the Icarus story – beautifully poetic like the original.
The suggested twenty stories were all written by different authors and published in fourteen (14) different magazines between 2017 and last month.