Fingers by Rachel Hein was published at The Rumpus in 2020.
Children are fearless of the things adults shield them from … until it’s too late. |
HAD published Re-Entry by Marguerite Sheffer in July.
A story of how pottery can provide lessons for piloting spaceships. |
Phosphor’s Circle by Annika Barranti Klein was published at Haven Spec in 2021.
Sometimes you just want to give your museum tour without the snarky dads input. What if your friend got you something exciting, like a monster each month you have to kill? |
A wonderful sci-fi story about accidents turned into worse situations.
The Time Bureau Came to Careers Day by Sarah Jackson was published by Strange Horizons in July.
A poem about your personal past and time travel. |
This is a hilarious little story about when things go slightly wrong when time traveling.
Thesis defense does feel like defeating snakes.
Lightspeed published So, You Married Your Arch Nemesis . . . Again by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor in 2022.
A cool story with excerpts from “larger” stories to tell it. Also, what a love story. |
The Power Of by Mel Grebing was published by Manawaker Flash Fiction Podcast in July.
A beautiful piece that tackles whether a protagonist must have agency. |
A story that challenges your preconcieved notions of what is happening in the story.
If There’s Anyone Left published Five Tips for Sealing Away an Ancient Evil by Ann LeBlanc in 2020.
Absolutely perfect from step one to … six? |
This story made me cry. Have a box of kleenex nearby.
Diabolical Plots published
Interstate Mohinis by M.L. Krishnan in June The Dryad and the Carpentar by Samara Auman in July |
What if someone told you the unflattering truth about a deceased loved one every time you served them tea? |
Metaphorosis published A Wielder Does Not Know Regret by Katherine Karch in August.
A story where the ending changes the meaning of the title and the rest of the story. |
A flash piece with a bit of a joke about writers block.
New Millennium Writings published Persephone by Amina Gautier in 2022.
A beautiful re-telling. |
Do you see the ending?
Small Wonders published The Only Way Out by Louise Hughes in August.
When a taxi driver is the only one who can save a family. |