Category: Short Fiction Round Up

  • Short Story Round-Up #94

    I posted twenty-three (23) stories and poems for you to read on social media in January. In case you missed any, here they are in summary. Bright Future by Dave Walsh was published at Every Day Fiction in 2023.A story of how it’s always been. Loved the ending and the lesson learned. Flash Point SF…

  • Short Story Round-Up #93

    I posted sixteen (16) stories in December. I got behind in my reading and missed a week. Small Wonders published: Adjudication Form 134π53 by David Marino in 2024.This story is told in a non-standard format that is really engaging. The voice is incredible. specular she by Anne Liberton in 2024. I love the form and…

  • Short Story Round-Up #92

    In November, I suggested twenty-one (21) stories from twenty (20) authors at seventeen (17) magazines. There’s so many good stories and poetry in SFF/H coming out all the time, and I’m still trying to catch up with some favorite magazines from when I started recommending online almost four (4) years ago. I hope you enjoy…

  • Short Story Round-Up #91

    It’s the first Monday of the month and here I am yet again with another short story round-up summarizing the stories I recommended throughout October. In October I recommended twenty-three (23) short stories and poems. Lots of spooky stuff, but also some not-so-spooky. Small Wonders published: The Stars at the End of All Things by…

  • Short Story Round-Up #90

    In September, I recommended twenty-one (21) stories and poems by eighteen (18) authors at fourteen (14) magazines on weekdays. I went on a couple reading binges for both magazines and authors. Sometimes you can tell who I have subscriptions to. On weekends, I sometimes recommended stories I’ve suggested in the past. Those are in past…

  • Short Story Round-Up #89

    In August, I suggested twenty-two (22) stories by twenty (20) different authors at fifteen (15) different magazines on weekdays. I also began suggesting throwback stories, ie stories I’ve recommended in past years, on weekends. I won’t be including the stories I’ve already recommended before in my round-ups. You can scroll through all previous 88 Short…

  • Short Story Round-Up #88

    In July, I suggested twenty-three (23) stories from fifteen (15) different magazines, all from different authors. I hope you enjoy these stories. Hold the Sea Inside by Erin Keating was published at Diabolical Plots in June.A story about moving away from home and how we do everything we can to get back. Loved the imagery…

  • Short Story Round-Up #87

    I suggested twenty (20) short stories and poems in the month of June on BlueSky and Wandering Shop on Mastodon. Five of them were suggested on my TikTok as well. If you want to see one every day, follow me at those places. Please enjoy these stories! Inner Worlds published: The Memory, by Hussain Ayoub…

  • Short Story Round-Up #86

    Due to some family obligations and travel, I did not post suggestions the first part of May. In total, I suggested fifteen (15) stories and poems. Auspicium by Diana Dima was published at The Deadlands in February. I loved this story of our internal birds that carry us away when the time is right, and…

  • Short Story Round-Up #85

    In April, I suggested a total of twenty-two (22) stories and poems. I’d normally have posted this last week, but I was travelling. I apologize for the delay in my round-up. Oh! and a bonus of one of my stories was published in April! The Deadlands published: If I Leave You with Moonlight by Felicia…